Session 4/8/2023
This week's session started with bass and drums recorded for Nano Vampires, one of Teahgu's tracks for his release Calm. The initial idea was a reggae groove however the end result ended up something funkier than anything else. It's not bad at all, it's just different!
Secondly, we created a new track for Cultus called Hecatomb which is a reference to sacrifice/making an offer. To what? You can start making assumptions... You'll have to wait to listen to it, though.
Thirdly, we started another tune that isn't part of any compilation yet - Unemployed @ Work. It's a reflection on our positions in life regarding our side jobs.
Finally, we finalised Ground Zero and RGB's mixing process. At least three of Avant Garde's tracklist songs will be mixed in next week's session since we were already exhausted. A well-deserved pause was needed...
See you next week fellow monks!